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1028 Ridge St
United States


Offers hand-shaped sourdough breads & pastries, from organic grains. Includes bread and pastry selection, with hours & availability.

Chocolate Orange Panettone


Chocolate Orange Panettone

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Chocolate Orange Panettone


Expertly crafted from the finest ingredients, Dan’s panettone is a delight for the senses. Delicate, luxurious, and impossibly rich, each slice melts on your palate, leaving fond memories, and a desire to eat more!

Each panettone is delivered in it’s own custom window-box. They make a perfect gift!

Made from: Italian panettone wheat flour, butter, sugar, water, Copia farms egg yolks, Ashland county honey, callebaut milk and dark chocolates, organic vanilla bean paste, candied orange peel, orange paste, salt. 

Topped with: Sugar, almond flour, cornstarch, egg white, Italian pearl sugar.

Serves: 10-14 people

Keeps for up to 1 month

Weight: 1 KG (2.2 Lbs)

Final Sale Item, No Returns.

Flat Rate 2 Day Shipping to the 48 contiguous states - $15 per Panettone. Ships by 3/5/25.

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